It’s Free to register, post a profile and photo, search and view profiles, pay only when you want to connect.
1. Register for a free membership
2. Add a profile and photo for free
3. Search for other single Canaries and view profiles for free.
4. Enjoy a free trial period in the premium membership with your registration. The trial period length may vary depending on what is being offered at the time you register. The current offer at any given time will be displayed on the Register page, directly under the register button. The expiration date for your trial period will appear at the top of your My Membership page, which is found in the left navigation on your My Profile page.
5. Upgrade to an affordable premium membership when your free trial in the premium membership expires to continue interacting with other members. (Options can be found at the bottom of your My Membership page, which is under the My Profile tab.)
Get your premium membership today and get immediate access to these great features.